Funny moments of the animal world

Funny moments of the animal world

From the fat-faced squirrel to the red-eyed frog living in the tree, the animal world around us has very funny facial expressions, according to the BBC.

Funny moments of the animal world

The squirrel (Tamias spp) is the smallest of the squirrel family and is very active. They are often included as characters in Hollywood blockbusters. Out of a total of 25 different species of chipmunk, 24 are found in North America. Looking at this photo makes us feel happy, it is impossible not to smile and watch and photograph its actions.

Funny moments of the animal world

The Egretta tricolor, also known as the Louisiana heron, is a medium-sized and brightly colored bird found in the coastal marshes of the Americas. When flying as well as when standing, they let their long neck bend in the shape of an S. That is also the reason why author Peter compared this photo of his surprised heron with the artist's painting The Scream of the artist. Edvard Munch

Funny moments of the animal world

Elk, known in North America as "moose" (Alces alces), and in Europe as "elk", are the largest of the deer family. They can grow to two meters or more, at the shoulder. They can only live in cold areas, because the body cannot sweat, and the intestines always release heat. Tor captured this head-shaking female moose in Sweden.

Funny moments of the animal world

The red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas) is among the most colorful and unusual inhabitants of Central America. They are named for their distinctive eye color. When threatened, this rainforest-specific amphibian will glow with its red eyes, orange paws and blue flanks to intimidate predators and capture brief moments to escape. Photo taken by Giorgia at Oasi di Sant'Alessio, Pavia, Italy.

Funny moments of the animal world

Orangutans (Pongo spp) are the only large primates in Asia, with only one species in the island of Borneo and another in Sumatra in Indonesia. These “forest people” are, as their name suggests, extremely intelligent.

There are those that know how to use sticks to catch termites for food, and this knowledge has been passed on to the next generations. Males are generally larger than females and have distinctive scrotums at the throat and hairless skin on the cheeks.

Funny moments of the animal world

Not surprisingly, the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is the tallest land animal in the world, living in Africa. But not everyone knows that their tongues are very skillful, up to half a meter long. When they stick out, they look rude, but it's most likely when they are curling up to eat the delicious leaves. "The great thing about the giraffe is that every time I take a picture, it shows different facial expressions," Mike, the photo's author, told BBC Earth.

Funny moments of the animal world

Celebes monkey (Macaca nigra) is an endangered species, now found only in the mountainous areas of some islands of Indonesia, including Sulawesi island (formerly known as Celebes island). Male monkeys show aggression by baring their teeth, opening their mouths, yawning, and suddenly leaping forward. They also manifest by smacking their mouths and grimacing.

Funny moments of the animal world

Red deer (Cervus elaphus) is quite common in Europe, Asia and North Africa. They are herbivores and have a digestive system with a four-chambered stomach. This red deer, photographed by Ranveig in Namsskogan, Norway.

Funny moments of the animal world

The ostrich (Struthio camelus) is often difficult to mistake for any other bird, with the exception of the emus of Australia. Ostriches are native to Africa, while emus are native to Australia. They are the largest birds in the world today, able to run at speeds of up to 70km/h, which is the fastest land speed of any bird today. Having long necks, exceptionally long legs, and big eyes, they look very funny and cute.

Funny moments of the animal world

Frogs (Anura spp) are amphibians with up to 5000 different species known to man, each with its own unique features. The bulging-eyed frog has a vision of up to nearly 360 degrees. This image is a featured example, which looks like a scene from the early cartoon, Noughties, but is actually a mirror shot of a frog.

Funny moments of the animal world

The Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is a breed of camel that has been domesticated in South America for thousands of years. They are famous for spitting and spitting stomach acid on other Alpacas to show displeasure or reprimand, but they don't do so often.

Funny moments of the animal world

Don't be fooled by this funny-looking "cross-eyed pair," as the owl is one of the most effective birds of prey on the planet. They are often considered a symbol of wisdom and mystery.